
NoteHedz Jason Ramirez TrueTypeGNU/GPL
  • Accents (partiel)
  • Euro

Mots clés

Table de caractères

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Latin de base - Table de caractères

Informations sur les polices standards

Avis de droits d’auteur
Copyright (c) Robert Allgeyer, 2005. Free public license.
Famille de police
Sous-famille de police
Identification unique de sous-famille
RobertAllgeyer: NoteHedz: 2005
Nom complet de police
Version tableau de noms
Version 1.70
Nom de police postscript
Nom du fabricant
Robert Allgeyer
Designed by an amateur. Free, and worth it!
NoteHedz contains the seven symbols currently used for note heads in the shaped note system. Also, it contains standard note heads, and a small number of other musical symbols. The shaped note heads appear at the same vertical position, so if you intend to write scales with these, you must reposition them. Shaped note symbols are at keys 1 - 7, corresponding to scale pitches do - ti(si). Lowercase lettera a - g produce a standard notehead with the capital letter enclosed. Key 9 has a standard solid notehead, and key 0 has a standard open notehead. If the SHIFT key is used, the symbols will be smaller and offset, for special purposes. Keys M, m, N, and n produce spaces progressively smaller than the normal notehead width, to allow adjustment.
This font software is offered under free public license. The creator retains copyright, but users may freely use, redistribute, or customize the font for any purpose, whether private or commercial. However, you may not remove the original creators name from the font. If you distribute a modified version, you must clearly distinguish your own from the original. This font is offered AS-IS with NO WARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. User accepts all risk of use. No support is offered. The version you have is PRE-PUBLIC RELEASE, for testing purposes only.

Informations sur les polices étendues

Plateformes supportées

UnicodeUnicode 2.0 et sémantique en cours, unicode BMP uniquement
MicrosoftUnicode BMP uniquement

Détails de la police

Comptage des glyphes215
Unités par Em1000
Droits incorporationIncorporation pour installation permanente
Classe familleSymbolique
PoidsMoyen (normal)
LargeurMoyen (normal)
Mac styleGras
DirectionSeulement glyphes fortement gauche-à-droit + glyphes neutres
Caractéristiques des modèlesOrdinaire
EspacementNon fixe