Mots clés
Note de l'auteur
Fundstueck font is a bold techno typeface designed by Ingo Zimmermann of ingoFonts.
Inspired by a rusty piece of metal, a coarse but decorative font was created.
Fonts can be so simple. That is what I was thinking as my attention was turned to this rusty piece of metal. Only a few centimeters in size, I couldnt imagine which purpose it might truly serve. But my eyes also saw an E, even a well-proportioned E: a width to height ratio of approximately 2/3, black and fine strokes with a 1/2 proportion could I create more characters on this basis?
Thought it, did it. The form is based on a 5mm unit.
The strikingly thick middle stroke of E suggests that the emphasis is not necessarily placed on the typical stroke, and likewise with the other characters. But if the font is going to be somewhat legible, then you cannot leave out slanted strokes completely. Eventually I found enough varying solutions for all letters of the alphabet and figures.
A font designed in this way doesnt really have to be extremely legible, which is why I forwent creating lower case letters.
Nevertheless, Fundstueck still contains some diverse forms in the layout of upper and lower case letters. Thus, the typeface is a bit richer in variety.
Fundstueck includes only the alphabet and the usual Western European accents (without the Scandinavian).
Only the most necessary punctuation is included.
By the way the lower letters with accents and umlauts stay between the baseline and cap height. And with that, you get wonderful ribbon-type lines.
Inspired by a rusty piece of metal, a coarse but decorative font was created.
Fonts can be so simple. That is what I was thinking as my attention was turned to this rusty piece of metal. Only a few centimeters in size, I couldnt imagine which purpose it might truly serve. But my eyes also saw an E, even a well-proportioned E: a width to height ratio of approximately 2/3, black and fine strokes with a 1/2 proportion could I create more characters on this basis?
Thought it, did it. The form is based on a 5mm unit.
The strikingly thick middle stroke of E suggests that the emphasis is not necessarily placed on the typical stroke, and likewise with the other characters. But if the font is going to be somewhat legible, then you cannot leave out slanted strokes completely. Eventually I found enough varying solutions for all letters of the alphabet and figures.
A font designed in this way doesnt really have to be extremely legible, which is why I forwent creating lower case letters.
Nevertheless, Fundstueck still contains some diverse forms in the layout of upper and lower case letters. Thus, the typeface is a bit richer in variety.
Fundstueck includes only the alphabet and the usual Western European accents (without the Scandinavian).
Only the most necessary punctuation is included.
By the way the lower letters with accents and umlauts stay between the baseline and cap height. And with that, you get wonderful ribbon-type lines.
Table de caractères
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Informations sur les polices standards
Avis de droits d’auteur
Copyright (c) 2015 by ingoFonts Ingo Zimmermann. All rights reserved.
Famille de police
Sous-famille de police
Identification unique de sous-famille
ingoFontsIngoZimmermann: Fundstueck: 2015
Nom complet de police
Version tableau de noms
Version 1.005
Nom de police postscript
Avis de marque déposée
Fundstueck is a trademark of ingoFonts Ingo Zimmermann.
Nom du fabricant
Copyright (c) 2015 by ingoFonts Ingo Zimmermann. All rights reserved.
Informations sur les polices étendues
Plateformes supportées
UnicodeUnicode 2.0 et sémantique en cours, unicode BMP uniquement
MicrosoftUnicode BMP uniquement
Détails de la police
Comptage des glyphes130
Unités par Em1000
Droits incorporationIncorporation pour installation permanente
Classe famillePas de classification
LargeurMoyen (normal)
Mac styleGras
DirectionSeulement glyphes fortement gauche-à-droit + glyphes neutres
Caractéristiques des modèlesOrdinaire
EspacementNon fixe